1) Over 87 million U.S. adults participate in recreational boating.
2) 19.6% of Millennials participate in water sports.
3) In 2017, 13.4% of the U.S. population participated in water sports.
4) In 2016, there were approximately 2.91 million U.S. participants in wakeboarding.
5) You had to stand up to ride the first jet skis until advances in the 1980s changed the way they were designed.
6) Jet skis can accommodate one to four adults depending on the model. The motor sizes can allow the craft to reach high speeds between 15 mph and 60 mph.
7) Wakeboarding ropes are usually longer than wakesurfing ropes. The ideal wakeboard rope is between 52 and 78 feet.
8) To wakesurf, the surfer trails behind a motorboat on a small surfboard that’s typically about five feet long.